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Hair Bow Combs

Cotton Candy Sugar Rush Hair Bow - Light Blonde
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Cotton Candy Sugar Rush Hair Bow - Pink
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Lady Gaga’s hair bow: now you can buy one too!

We’re sure there are ways to create Lady Gaga’s “Look! I tied my hair in a bow!” hairdo using your actual hair, but because we’re too lazy to try it, and also because, well, we don’t really want to, we’ve tracked down this store which sells the hair bows ready-made, and in a whole range of colours and sizes.
Prices start at $18.85 for the smallest size, and they’re hand-tied from hair extensions. We guess the only question remaining then is, would you go for the Lady Gaga look, and wear a bow made out of (fake) hair? If you would, you can get yours here.

Hair bow comb
 Emulational New Lady Gaga Hair Fashion Hair Bow Wig Comb Hair Clip
Sale: $7.79

The Beautiful Christine Quinn - Images via Brett Mosser