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Pencil dress

Pencil dress: Victoria Beckham vs ASOS

I guess this dress is the most famous one! Every­body wants it :) And actu­ally there was already a post about Vic­to­ria Beck­ham pen­cil dress. So let’s have a look where we can find this nice pen­cil dress and not spend a for­tune on it.

The dress is so sexy, it shapes the fig­ure and makes a very fem­i­nine sil­hou­ette.
You can have anal­o­gous Asos pen­cil dress. They also added quite func­tional pock­ets, I always need them to put the keys or so. The dresses are avail­able in red, blue and black:

What do you think? Have you already have one?
Source: ASOS

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